Computational Plasticity
General Information about the Course


TUCaN module number: 13-E1-M019
Cycle: Every summer semester
Lecturer: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dominik Schillinger
Language: English

All information regarding the lecture and the exercise of the current semester can be found in the respective courses in moodle and TUCaN.

TUCaN course number of the lecture and exercise: 13-E1-0019-vu


  • Part I: One-dimensional plasticity: formulation and numerical implementation
    • Derivation of one-dimensional constitutive equations, building on the phenomenological interpretation of plasticity
    • Strong and weak forms of the initial boundary value problem (IBVP), its discretization and linearization
    • Integration algorithms (return map algorithms) for one-dimensional constitutive equations
  • Part II: Three-dimensional classical rate-independent plasticity
    • Review of classical governing equations within continuum mechanics and thermodynamics
    • Theory of yield surfaces and classical small-strain plasticity models
    • Maximum plastic dissipation principle and its interpretation as a constrained convex optimization problem
    • Derivation of constitutive equations from convex optimization principles
  • Part III: Integration algorithms for plasticity
    • Incremental form of constitutive equations and geometric interpretation as closest point projection
    • Radial return map algorithm for J2 plasticity
    • General return map algorithms (closest point projection algorithms, cutting plain algorithms)

Qualification goals

Students develop a rigorous understanding of integration algorithms for elastoplastic constitutive problems and their mathematical foundations from a convex optimization perspective. They are able to solve and implement multidimensional problems for inelastic solids focusing on return map algorithms for rate-independent plasticity models, linearization of nonlinear global governing equations, and discretization and solution in the context of the finite element method.


Grundlagen der Finite-Elemente-Methode (13-E1-M001) is recommended.



There will be an oral exam.

Time and place of the individual exams will be be announced at the appropriate time.

Please bring your student ID and an additional valid photo ID to the exam.

Also take notice of the general information about exams .