General information about exam inspections
The right to inspect an exam is guaranteed in the Allgemeinen Prüfungsbedingungen (§ 29 Abs. 2 APB). The examinee has the right to inspection of records after every section of the exam and after the the completion of the exam.
Inspection of records does not mean that the results of the exam will be discussed retroactively with the examiners. If a date for inspection is not kept by an examinee, an alternative date can be offered. In the case of a semester abroad or a lingering illness, you need to submit the according documents (attestation by the TU Darmstadt or a medical certificate) in due time to a member of the institute. In the case of a sudden illness, the medical certificate can be handed in later. In all of these cases, we recommend to suggest three alternative dates while handing in the supporting documents and leaving an e-mail address.
- The length of the inspection is concern of the examiner. A sufficient notice of the exam and the grading will be possible.
- After the announcement of the grades, an alteration is only possible under certain conditions (§ 48, § 49 HessVwVfG).
- “Bargaining” will be inhibited (decision prerogatives of the examiner). The inspection is not supposed to be misused as a “bazaar for grades” (solely for reasons of equal opportunities).
- It is possible that the grade degrades due to correction, caused by grading errors (§ 48, 49 § HessVwVfG) or when new errors are found (§ 48 abs. 1 i.V.m 2 Abs. 3 Nr. 2 HessVwVfG).
- Does an examinee try to manipulate the exam, an attempt of deception follows with the according penalties.
- The display of the exam is only possible after showing your photo ID.
- An examinee is allowed to be represented by a fellow student if a signed certificate of authority is at hand.
- Every examinee can take action against their grading and bring grading errors to bear.
The authority has to be given in written form (fax is also possible). It has to be clear who is authorized, so it can be checked. The authorized representative has to prove their identity.
Grading errors can be brought to bear in opposition proceedings. Inspection and enforcement should be separated (written procedure). Written enforcement of grading errors etc. is carried out on a separate piece of paper. The decision on the opposition is made by the examiner after the inspection. All decisions are reserved to the examiner.