General information about exams
The registration in TUCaN is the condition for the participation in the exam. Legally binding statements about this can only make your responsible office for student affairs, though. Please take note of the regulations effective for your study programme! If you changed your programme or your univerisity and have questions about the recognition of already rendered academic achivements, please ask the responsible teacher.
Please bring your student ID and an additional valid photo ID to the exam for identity checking purposes.
The permitted resources for written exams are:
- Handwritten formulary with an extent of two DIN A4 sheets with text on both sides (not printed or photocopied, no exemplary problems)
- Non-programmable calculator
- Non-erasable pen
The usage of all resources not listed above, like laptops or phones, is prohibited and will be regarded as an attempt of deception!
Secondary retake of exams
We provide an in-depth student guidance for secondary retakes of exams. The contact person is the instructor who currently presents the exercise in the lecture hall.