Doctoral Researchers

Dipl.-Phys. Henning Müller

Continuum Mechanics

Working area(s)

Lattice Boltzmann methods for elastodynamics, Physical modelling in continuum mechanics, Computational methods for solid and fracture mechanics


work +49 6151 16-22748

Work L5|01 545a
Franziska-Braun-Straße 7
64287 Darmstadt


A software project in object-oriented Python with the package SolidLBM at its core, published as open source under the MIT license. It implements the numerical algorithms and acts as a reference for publications.

There is always work to do within the project and participation as a student (thesis or as assisstant) is possible. In general, the project entails:

  • mathematical and physical modelling
  • development of algorithms and structures for the software
  • implementation in the numerical software
  • validation of the code through models from numerics and mechanics
  • enhancement and maintaining of the software project

Altogether it offers challenging tasks for a novel method in computational mechanics and the dedicated software.

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